ADMINE-Increase their effectiveness by creating favorable conditions,
salam community
What is Admin?
I will explain about admin,
Social networking network analysis looked at social relationships as nodes and ties. The knot is the individual actors in the network, while ties are relations between these actors. There can be many types of ties between the nodes. Research in the various fields of academic network has shown that social networks operate on many levels, from families up to the State, and play an important role in deciding how to resolve the problem, run the Organization, as well as the degree of success of an individual in achieving its goals. One of the industries that are developing brand social media networks in the world is ADMINE
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Lets advertisers place ads free of charge, and lets users earn while viewing an ad. The user can select which ads they want to watch.
We offer banner network is built upon the principles of social networking, where advertisers will act as investors and users will select a range of ads they want to see, they can subscribe to their favorite brands and get paid to view ads that are selected. In our platform with a special mechanism for personalized targeting advertisers will save large amounts of money and will choose the most appropriate clients.
Token Coin Media is compatible token ERC-20 distributed in block Etereum in accordance with the contract smart ERC-20 associated Token Coin Media.
Pre Sales ICO: 18-28 December 2017
A limited number of token: 5,000 000 MediaCoins
Symbol: MCN
Price: 1 MCN = $2.5
Number of Tokens: 100 million
Minimum purchase Coins Media: 0.1 ETHThe Allocation Of The Token
5% General sales Pre Sale ICO
60% General sales ICO during Crowdsale
10% User growth in the Pool
15% will go to the team and will blocked AdMine for 12 months
6% to advisers and will blocked AdMine for 12 months
2% sent to the WINGS DAO launch, evaluation, social promotion
2% Bounty programThe number of tokens is limited to 100 million without the possibility of subsequentemissions. At the end of the ISO all tokens will be distributed between the investors,the token is not sold will be removed. This approach will ensure the absence of inflation in the system, which will not contribute to the depreciation of the token, creating conditions for sales and a favorable exchange.
Income investors grew in proportion to the increase in the number of participants in the system. Globalization of the system will bring investors a comparable income with all fast-growing such as Crypto bitcoin and ETH.
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More information about ADMINE on this link, check this out :
Bitcointalk Profiel :;u=1857672
Penulis : serda doe
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